+90 212 225 83 43 kanyon@kanyonenerji.com.tr



More about us

At KANYON Energy, we conduct our operations with an innovative, environmentally and socially responsible approach. Prior to commencing the construction of our own facilities, we are dedicated to contributing value to society and the environment through various social responsibility projects, including two fire observation towers, one fire suppression pool, bridges, forest access roads, and a local government building, all aimed at combating forest fires.

Within our company, we perform the maintenance and software development of our Hydroelectric Power Plants in-house, enabling us to develop innovative solutions for the industry. We follow an environmentally conscious policy, focusing on energy efficiency and reducing our carbon footprint. In doing so, we strive to be a company that is friendly to both the environment and people, adding value to society.

Our company produces energy using NATIONAL and LOCAL resources, helping to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, contribute to the preservation of the environment, reduce external energy dependence, boost employment, and reduce the foreign exchange spent on imported energy sources like natural gas, coal, and petroleum, which are known to be major contributors to the current account deficit.

At Kanyon Energy, we will continue to add value to the environment, society, and the industry with our people- and environment-oriented, innovative solutions.

Empower your future

with the Sustainability


Our Mission

Our mission is to add ENGINEERING value on high-tech innovative products and obtain long term customer satisfactıon and profitability 

Our Vision

Our Vision is; to add solar or hydro electric generation capacity to our existing power plants and reach 20 MW by 2026!